Tuesday 31 July 2007

Oh No!

After the cheek of leaving us behind (though we did have some good raves, and an awesome short trip to the North Pole!) they decided to make us have a bath!


(we're planning in rolling in pooh later tonight... mr fox and i don't like smelling clean) 


Mrs P B

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Mr Fox discovers an old telegram whilst cleaning out the cupboards!

Mrs Polar Bear Doodle

Mr Fox Returns

Mr Fox has felt a little left out these last few days.  To rectify this situation, he made several trips to KFC last night, ensuring that Mrs Polar Bear could be kept quiet so he could get some of the limelight back.  He also replenished his Pimms supply!  Mr Fox has decided he has been too soft on Mrs PB and, although he does love her very much, feels she needs to apologise to him for throwing him across the room yesterday before he is willing to be nice to her again.  It's Pimms o'clock now, but Mr Fox shall be back later......

Monday 16 July 2007

Mrs Polar Bear's Mini Igloo Logo

Gold Star Award!

Today Mrs Polar Bear was awarded a gold star for excellent behavour. 

Sunday 15 July 2007

Mrs Polar Bear's Coat of Arms Unveiled!

Note From Mrs PB

Mrs PB would just like to point out that she really did just think it was water she was washing her KFC down with that night and any consequential drunkeness and subsequent destroyed belongings were accidental. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....


Mr Fox, discovered last night, when he climbed up onto the drinks shelf, that he had run out of Pimms. In a turn around for the books this time it wasn't actually Mrs Polar Bear's fault! Before she's had a couple of 'incidents' with spirits especially Vodka!

As of late Mr Fox has been drinking rather a lot. In fact it's his hourly cocktail that keeps him through the day!

Being a very clever fox, it is with some suprise, that Mr Fox couldn't think what to make from the drinks left in the cupboard! He ran the very real risk of going cold turkey!

Luckily he found: www.cocktailbuilder.com

He's not looked back since.... but wobbled forward instead!

Saturday 14 July 2007

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Mr Fox is Victorious!

After an epic duel Mr Fox won (again!), even whilst playing with red his least favourite Connect 4 colour! He is now undoubtedly the greatest Connect 4 playing Fox that ever did exist.

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Mr Fox & Mrs Polar Bear in a "Connect 4" Rematch

Despite Mr Fox's repeat victories Mrs Polar Bear, never one to give up - only to lash out, insisted they played again. The tension in the room was stifling - until that is Mrs Polar Bear let out a rip roaring fart!

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The Attack

Today Mr Fox was innocently going about his own businees when he was brutally attacked by Mrs Polar Bear. The attack in its full horror was caught on camera.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

Connect 4

"Yesterday Mrs Polar Bear and I, Mr Fox, played Connect 4. Mrs Polar Bear, the reigning champion won the first game, but I quickly out foxed her with a hat-trick of marvellous victories. This morning I won again. I am an amazing fox!"

Sunday 1 July 2007

Mr Fox and Mrs Polar Bear Big-Up Yorkshire

After a long and arduous trip, and several bottles of Polar Bear tranquliser later, Mr Fox and Mrs Polar Bear arrived in Yorkshire! Animals of culture, they're not entirely sure what they think of these country folk! Only time will tell! Mrs Polar Bear travelled light only bringing one hammer and a single rolling pin! Mr Fox packed his hamper and panama hat.

Mrs P B Update

"Trapped in suitcase yet again.  I don't like how Mr Tom and Mrs Emily are taking care of me, this had better improve orI shall have to put my rolling pin to better use. BBAAAHHHHHH!.  On the plus side, the place in which we are staying has a chest freezer..... reminds me of my days before entering the Land of the Bed. It also contains rather a lot of ice cream....... or rather, it did....... Baaahhhhhhhhhh..

Mrs P B Checking out"